Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is a Bachelors Degree Loosing its Merit?

In times like these, a college student has to question if a four year degree is sufficient for obtaining a career-oriented position after graduation. With a significant amount of the work force out of a job, more and more of experienced workers are taking entry level jobs, while pursuing their Masters or Doctorates. Where does that leave a 22 year old college graduate with a Bachelors? Hung out to dry, with no job and thousands of dollars in loans. It seems now that Having a Bachelors holds the same weight as a high school diploma. The only difference is a Bachelors is a lot more expensive.
So what do we do? Stay in school for another 8 years, or at least until the economy is stable again. The problem with this is, you are accumlating debt with little to no income to pay it. Experts are suggesting that college graduates go abroad ( http://money.cnn.com/2009/04/14/news/economy/class_of_2009.fortune/index.htm?postversion=200941610). Apparently, there is great potential in international markets, and going overseas could be lucrative in the long run. Experts are also suggesting that we lower our standards. We may have to take on jobs that we do not necessarily want, and pursue our career goals in the meantime. Another tid bit would be to stay away from the big name companies. Companies doing the most out of college hiring are small firms.

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